Wednesday 24 June 2020

Interpersonal Relationship (Part 5) 12 Tips to Develop and Maintain it.

Dear friends, we have seen in earlier articles about the basics, stages, types, importance and advantages of interpersonal relationship.  If you have not yet read those articles I kindly request you to read them. 

In this article, we shall see 12 tips to develop and maintain interpersonal relationships.  These tips are so much helpful when it comes to connecting with people. If you can practise these tips with the people around you, your professional, as well as private life will be improving a lot.

Let’s see the tips one by one.

1) Appreciate: Always try to find the good in others and if you find that one or two good things, appreciate it. Be curious and use some kind words and praise people. Learn to say a nice thank you whenever someone does something for you. Welcome them nicely when people visit you. If you make others feel good then they will show goodness towards you too.

2) Be a good listener: This is one skill which will be helpful for the rest of your life. Try to be a good listener because everyone needs someone they can vent to or just share when they have something to say. Try to make them feel comfortable by actively listening to them. Your friends and colleagues will appreciate this fact that you listen to them. It will help you in the long run.

3) Communicate effectively: See how you say things and make sure that the other person gets a clear idea to what you're saying. This will help get rid of misunderstandings.

4) Be funny: It is often said that if you can help someone with a smile, you have a moral obligation to do it. So, make them smile, they will love to be with you. Use your sense of humour as an effective way to do it.

5) Don't Complain: Don't be someone who complains all the time, you will be nothing but a fool and for some people 'sympathy gainer'. Even if you want to do it, just do it in front of your close friends and family, but still keep it short.


6) Observe the people whom you know relate well with people and know what you really like about them.  Is it the body language?   The pacing of their talk?  Do they ask how you are doing?  Do they pay attention to you? Etc.

7) Practice it.  I work as a teacher, so I meet a number of students and their parents. I practice number 1 with them. When it feels awkward, I take note and try again.  It is said practising makes a man perfect.

8) Be genuinely concerned and interested in the other person.  It removes the nerves you feel.

9) I have a "script" Before I talk, or call a person, I write what I want to say and I structure them. I have an arsenal of what to say in social situations. I hate small talk, but I still make the effort since I want to improve my skills.

10) I laugh at myself and continue to love myself:  when it feels awkward I laugh. When it feels awkward, I reassure myself that it's okay. No need to pressure me.

11) Observe people and learn more:  Observe. Copy. Evaluate. Observe again. Copy. Evaluate.  The more interesting things you know, the more interesting you are.

12) Appreciate silence:  Sometimes, being quiet and listening to the other person is an interpersonal skill itself. Some people love to cut people when they are talking. But when you zip your mouth and listen to what the other person has to say, you are practising a highly prized skill not everybody has.

So, friends, I hope these 12 tips will surely help you to develop and maintain interpersonal relationships.  If you find it very useful, please share it with your friends and relatives so that they also gain something.

Friday 19 June 2020

Interpersonal Relationship (Part 4) Importance & Advantages


Hi guys! Welcome to my blog Personality Development.  At the very outset, I would like to thank you for your support in the form of subscribing to the blog, liking and sharing the posts and for your valuable comments. 

You can check the list at your right-hand side for other posts on public speaking, acquiring knowledge especially through reading books, believing in yourself, basics, stages and types of interpersonal relationship in our lives.

We shall see the importance and advantage of good interpersonal relationship in this short article.

Do you know what interpersonal relationships are? You have probably heard about it if you have ever worked in any type of organization. Interpersonal relationships are the relationships between people in different contexts.

And one of the main contexts in which this issue comes up is within corporate environments, especially because relationships in these environments are complex. This is because relationships between employees, and between them and their leaders, directly influence the work.  In other words, everyone should pay attention to their professional relationships, aiming at the quality of the work as well as their career development.

Therefore, when we talk about interpersonal relationships, we’re talking about knowing how to relate; in other words, the ability to get along. It has nothing to do with personality and personal traits. Actually, it’s a skill that can be worked on and improved by all.

The importance of good interpersonal relationships for your professional life is:

·       You get along with better with your co-workers

·       You feel more motivated

·       You’ll have someone you can count on when you need help

·       Your performance improves

·       You have better chances of growth in your career

·       You’ll probably be admired more in professional terms.

On the other hand, companies also benefit greatly when there are good interpersonal relationships between employees, leaders, customers and suppliers.  Therefore, they feel that it’s important to encourage and promote integrations in order to generate positive results for the business.

Some of the advantages of good interpersonal relationships for companies are:

·       Improvement to the organizational environment

·       Higher employee productivity

·       Lower employee turnover

·       Increased customer satisfaction

·       Higher profitability.

Please do subscribe to the blog for the notification of future posts and put your valuable comments.  Thank you

Saturday 13 June 2020

Interpersonal Relationships (Part 3) Types

When two individuals feel comfortable in each other’s company and decide to be with each other, they enter into a relationship.  A close association between individuals who share common interests and goals is called interpersonal relationship.  Individuals who are compatible with each other enter into an interpersonal relationship. People must gel well for a strong and healthy relationship.

All interpersonal relationships are not the same. These bonds are defined by different expectations between the individuals and the context of their relationships. There are five basic categories of these relationships. Let's look at each category now, what differentiates them, and how they serve to meet our needs.

1. Family

This is the first type of interpersonal bond we form, beginning in infancy as we depend on our caretakers. There are many different roles within the family category of relationships, including mother, father, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and more. The importance and nature of these relationships vary from person to person and the roles are defined by a combination of biological kinship and cultural norms.

Families are responsible for protecting children and meeting their physical needs for survival while also providing emotional support and education. In healthy family relationships, the emotional needs and the physical needs should be met for the child. As a person grows into adulthood, the relationships with family members change and the child can increasingly provide emotional and physical support for their caretakers. It is important to note that this is the only category of interpersonal relationship that is not voluntary.

2. Friendship

Friendships often share the same, or sometimes greater, level of intimacy as family relationships. The major difference is that friendship is a voluntary bond entered into by both parties rather than formed as a by-product of biology. People are free to enter into friendships with anyone but the initial attachment usually forms through shared interests, experiences, and attitudes. As the friendship develops into a stronger relationship, the intimacy of emotion and knowledge of one another grows.

Friendship can be between:

§  Man and a woman

§  Man and man

§  Woman and woman

3. Romantic Partners

These relationships are often the most intimate in a person's life, emotionally and certainly physically. Healthy relationships with romantic partners are characterized by deep attachment, passion, trust, and respect. Emotionally, these relationships are as close as the best of friends with the personal support and impact of family. Romantic relationships can often lead to a concurrent familial relationship if the partnership undergoes cultural marriage rituals or bears children or both.

4. Platonic Relationship

A relationship between two individuals without any feelings or sexual desire for each other is called a platonic relationship.  In such a relationship, a man and a woman are just friends and don’t mix love with friendship. Platonic relationships might end in a romantic relationship with both the partners developing mutual love and falling for each other.

5. Professional Relationship (Work Relationship)

Individuals working together for the same organization are said to share a professional relationship.  Individuals sharing a professional relationship are called colleagues. Colleagues may or may not like each other.

So, friends, I hope that you have learned the different types of interpersonal relationship that will be very helpful in your practical life. Please subscribe to this blog, like the article, share with your friends and relatives and give your valuable comments. Wish you all the best.


Monday 1 June 2020

Interpersonal Relationship (Part 2) Stages

Hello! My dear readers, we shall see the stages of interpersonal relationship in this article.

Every one of us is in a relationship with other persons.  There are 5 stages of Interpersonal Relationship according to George Levinger, a psychologist.  They are:

    1. Acquaintance stage: An interpersonal relationship starts from the point when two people meet each other.  For example, when you travel your neighbours may converse with you on various topics and even you may pass time by playing cards or any type of game.  This is the first stage of interpersonal relationship.  This stage is called the acquaintance stage.


2. The building up stage: This is the stage where the relationship extends beyond knowing each other. At this stage, people develop strong and deep trust for each other.  For example, some of you may even take the contact no of the other person who travelled along with you to be in touch.  In future, you may even invite that person for any family function, or you may meet that person if you happen to go to the city where that person lives.

3. Continuation stage: It is the deepening stage of a relationship. Here, there exists a deep-down level of closeness, joy and passion for each other.  For example, your friend invites you for his/her family function or you may plan for a joint-family outing or tour.

 4. Deterioration stage: This is the stage where all the flakes of the relationship begin to wane i.e. a stage when you begin to get tired of your relationship, but not always and not with everyone.

 5. Termination stage: This is the stage where the relationship ends either by the event of the death of one partner, separation or divorce.

So, friends, check your relationship with others, at what stage it is and try to improve it to a greater relationship.  Thank you.  Wish you all the best.

Monday 25 May 2020

Interpersonal Relationship (Part 1) Basics

In this blog, we shall see the meaning, importance, examples, must-haves of interpersonal relationship and what relationships do for us.

Meaning of Interpersonal Relationship
An interpersonal relationship is a strong, deep, or close association or acquaintance between two or more people.  It may range in duration from brief to enduring. The context can vary from family or kinship relations, friendship, marriage, relations with associates, work, clubs, neighbourhoods, and places of worship.
Importance of Interpersonal Relationship
Positive interpersonal relationships will allow effective communication and understanding among people.  It enhances respect and regards.  It ensures a common goal, inter-dependence and transparency.

Examples of Interpersonal Relationship
An interpersonal relationship can develop between any of the following:
·        Relationship of a child with his parents.
·        Relationship with immediate family members and relatives.
·        Relationship between friends.
·        Relationship between a man and a woman (Love, Marriage).
·        Individuals working together in the same organisation.
·        People working on the same team.
The relationship can also develop in a group, relationship of students with their teacher, relationship of a religious guru with his disciples and so on. 

Must have in an Interpersonal Relationship
· Individuals in an interpersonal relationship must share common goals and objectives. They should have more or less similar interests and think on the same lines. It is always better if individuals come from similar backgrounds.
· They must respect each other’s views and opinions. A sense of trust is important.
· Individuals must be attached to each other for a healthy interpersonal relationship.
· Transparency plays a pivotal role in the interpersonal relationship. It is important for an individual to be honest and transparent.

What Relationships Do for Us
We all have a circle of people we interact with on a regular basis. You have family, friends, perhaps a significant other, and maybe even co-workers you talk with regularly. This is common for all humans because we are a social species. Imagine your life if you didn't interact with any of these people.
The concept of attachment defines it as a deep and lasting bond connecting people across distance and through time. Attachment enhances survival, especially in infancy when the child is completely dependent on its mother and other caregivers. The caregivers' bond with the child encourages them to fulfil the infant's needs and thus provides a continuation of the species. We don't grow out of this bonding behaviour and continue to benefit throughout our lives from our relationships.
So, friends, that’s all in this blog.  See you in the next blog.  Wish you all the best.
Please do subscribe to the blog for future updates.  Your valuable comments are welcomed positively.
This is the video of this blog.

Wednesday 20 May 2020

Believe in Yourself (Part 2)

We saw in the last article, 'Believe in yourself' Part 1, what it means, why believing in you is so important and ways to believe in yourself.  In this article, we shall see five essential steps that can help you to believe in yourself.

1. Believe In Yourself
Your values in life determine your beliefs, about yourself and the world around you.  If you have positive values, such as love, compassion, and generosity, you will believe that people in your world are deserving of these values, and you will treat them accordingly. When you believe in yourself and chose to be a good person, you will find yourself to be more positive and successful in life.

2. Set Expectations and Know Your Values In Life
Your beliefs, in turn, determine the important aspects of your personality, your expectations. If you have positive values, you will believe yourself to be a good person.  If you believe in yourself to be a good person, you will expect good things to happen to you. If you expect good things to happen to you, you will be positive, cheerful, and future-oriented. You will look for the good in other people and situations.

3. Attitude: Expect Good Things to Happen
The third level of your personality, determined by your expectations, is your attitude. Your attitude will be an outward manifestation or reflection of your values, beliefs, and expectations.  For example, if your value is that this is a good world to live in and your belief is that you are going to be very successful in life, you will expect that everything that happens to you is helping you in some way.

As a result, you will have a positive mental attitude towards other people and they will respond positively towards you.  You will be a more cheerful and optimistic person. You will be someone who others want to work with and for, buy from and sell to, and generally help to be more successful.

4. Be A Good Person Through Your Actions
Your actions on the outside will ultimately be a reflection of your innermost values, beliefs, and expectations on the inside. This is why what you achieve in life and work will be determined more by what is going on inside of you than by any other factor.

5. Action Exercise
Make a list of your three to five most important values in life today.  What do you really believe in and stand for? What are your values in life? What qualities are you best known for among the people who know you? What do you consider the most important values guiding your relationships with others in your life?  Answering all these questions will put you in actions oriented lifestyle.

Thank you for reading this article about finding your values in life and learning to believe in yourself. Remember to expect good things to happen and work hard towards your goals so that you will find yourself living a happy and successful life.

This is the video of this article on YouTube. 

Sunday 10 May 2020

Believe in Yourself (Part 1)

I'm happy to write on the topic 'Believe in Yourself' – What it means, why believing in you is so important and ways to believe in yourself.

“Believe in yourself, and the rest will fall into place.
Have faith in your own abilities, work hard and
There is nothing you cannot accomplish.” – Brad Henry

What is ‘believe in yourself’?
The truth is that we've been conditioned throughout our lives to doubt ourselves. We must retrain ourselves to get rid of our fears and self-doubt in order to build self-esteem and self-confidence. Everything you have in your life is a result of your belief in yourself and the belief that it's possible.

Why ‘believing in yourself’ is so important:
A strong belief in yourself can bring you all these benefits and more: ​You recognize your ability to accomplish goals. ​You're optimistic about the future as you set goals and achieve them. ​Deep down inside, you know you can do anything.

Ten ways to believe in yourself again:
1.    Accept Your Current Situation - Accepting yourself as you are in the present situation.
2.    Think About Your Past Success – When you think about a past success it boosts you to believe in yourself.
3.    Trust Yourself – You need to trust in yourself before trusting others.
4.    Talk with Yourself – Talking with yourself helps to have a strong believe in you.
5.    Don't Let Fear Stop You – Fear is a negative aspect that will stop you from doing anything.  So don’t give a chance to it.
6.    Let Yourself Off the Hook - You have to forgive yourself for any failures or mistakes that you have committed in the past and move on.   You have to look at the future and stop living in the past. Be compassionate towards yourself.
7.    Go with a Positive Attitude – Having a positive attitude is like winning the battle up to 50%.
8.    Let a Life-Coach Help You – An experienced person can help you more with practical examples of life experiences in various given situations.
9.  Keep Moving Forward And Never Look Back – Once started moving forward never look back.
10. Let Life Move You – Change is the reality of life.  So let life move you on.

I am sure these steps will help you to develop a strong belief in yourself to achieve success in your life.

Here is the video of this article on my YouTube channel. 

Interpersonal Relationship (Part 5) 12 Tips to Develop and Maintain it.

Dear friends, we have seen in earlier articles about the basics, stages, types, importance and advantages of interpersonal relationship.   I...

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