Monday, 25 May 2020

Interpersonal Relationship (Part 1) Basics

In this blog, we shall see the meaning, importance, examples, must-haves of interpersonal relationship and what relationships do for us.

Meaning of Interpersonal Relationship
An interpersonal relationship is a strong, deep, or close association or acquaintance between two or more people.  It may range in duration from brief to enduring. The context can vary from family or kinship relations, friendship, marriage, relations with associates, work, clubs, neighbourhoods, and places of worship.
Importance of Interpersonal Relationship
Positive interpersonal relationships will allow effective communication and understanding among people.  It enhances respect and regards.  It ensures a common goal, inter-dependence and transparency.

Examples of Interpersonal Relationship
An interpersonal relationship can develop between any of the following:
·        Relationship of a child with his parents.
·        Relationship with immediate family members and relatives.
·        Relationship between friends.
·        Relationship between a man and a woman (Love, Marriage).
·        Individuals working together in the same organisation.
·        People working on the same team.
The relationship can also develop in a group, relationship of students with their teacher, relationship of a religious guru with his disciples and so on. 

Must have in an Interpersonal Relationship
· Individuals in an interpersonal relationship must share common goals and objectives. They should have more or less similar interests and think on the same lines. It is always better if individuals come from similar backgrounds.
· They must respect each other’s views and opinions. A sense of trust is important.
· Individuals must be attached to each other for a healthy interpersonal relationship.
· Transparency plays a pivotal role in the interpersonal relationship. It is important for an individual to be honest and transparent.

What Relationships Do for Us
We all have a circle of people we interact with on a regular basis. You have family, friends, perhaps a significant other, and maybe even co-workers you talk with regularly. This is common for all humans because we are a social species. Imagine your life if you didn't interact with any of these people.
The concept of attachment defines it as a deep and lasting bond connecting people across distance and through time. Attachment enhances survival, especially in infancy when the child is completely dependent on its mother and other caregivers. The caregivers' bond with the child encourages them to fulfil the infant's needs and thus provides a continuation of the species. We don't grow out of this bonding behaviour and continue to benefit throughout our lives from our relationships.
So, friends, that’s all in this blog.  See you in the next blog.  Wish you all the best.
Please do subscribe to the blog for future updates.  Your valuable comments are welcomed positively.
This is the video of this blog.

Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Believe in Yourself (Part 2)

We saw in the last article, 'Believe in yourself' Part 1, what it means, why believing in you is so important and ways to believe in yourself.  In this article, we shall see five essential steps that can help you to believe in yourself.

1. Believe In Yourself
Your values in life determine your beliefs, about yourself and the world around you.  If you have positive values, such as love, compassion, and generosity, you will believe that people in your world are deserving of these values, and you will treat them accordingly. When you believe in yourself and chose to be a good person, you will find yourself to be more positive and successful in life.

2. Set Expectations and Know Your Values In Life
Your beliefs, in turn, determine the important aspects of your personality, your expectations. If you have positive values, you will believe yourself to be a good person.  If you believe in yourself to be a good person, you will expect good things to happen to you. If you expect good things to happen to you, you will be positive, cheerful, and future-oriented. You will look for the good in other people and situations.

3. Attitude: Expect Good Things to Happen
The third level of your personality, determined by your expectations, is your attitude. Your attitude will be an outward manifestation or reflection of your values, beliefs, and expectations.  For example, if your value is that this is a good world to live in and your belief is that you are going to be very successful in life, you will expect that everything that happens to you is helping you in some way.

As a result, you will have a positive mental attitude towards other people and they will respond positively towards you.  You will be a more cheerful and optimistic person. You will be someone who others want to work with and for, buy from and sell to, and generally help to be more successful.

4. Be A Good Person Through Your Actions
Your actions on the outside will ultimately be a reflection of your innermost values, beliefs, and expectations on the inside. This is why what you achieve in life and work will be determined more by what is going on inside of you than by any other factor.

5. Action Exercise
Make a list of your three to five most important values in life today.  What do you really believe in and stand for? What are your values in life? What qualities are you best known for among the people who know you? What do you consider the most important values guiding your relationships with others in your life?  Answering all these questions will put you in actions oriented lifestyle.

Thank you for reading this article about finding your values in life and learning to believe in yourself. Remember to expect good things to happen and work hard towards your goals so that you will find yourself living a happy and successful life.

This is the video of this article on YouTube. 

Sunday, 10 May 2020

Believe in Yourself (Part 1)

I'm happy to write on the topic 'Believe in Yourself' – What it means, why believing in you is so important and ways to believe in yourself.

“Believe in yourself, and the rest will fall into place.
Have faith in your own abilities, work hard and
There is nothing you cannot accomplish.” – Brad Henry

What is ‘believe in yourself’?
The truth is that we've been conditioned throughout our lives to doubt ourselves. We must retrain ourselves to get rid of our fears and self-doubt in order to build self-esteem and self-confidence. Everything you have in your life is a result of your belief in yourself and the belief that it's possible.

Why ‘believing in yourself’ is so important:
A strong belief in yourself can bring you all these benefits and more: ​You recognize your ability to accomplish goals. ​You're optimistic about the future as you set goals and achieve them. ​Deep down inside, you know you can do anything.

Ten ways to believe in yourself again:
1.    Accept Your Current Situation - Accepting yourself as you are in the present situation.
2.    Think About Your Past Success – When you think about a past success it boosts you to believe in yourself.
3.    Trust Yourself – You need to trust in yourself before trusting others.
4.    Talk with Yourself – Talking with yourself helps to have a strong believe in you.
5.    Don't Let Fear Stop You – Fear is a negative aspect that will stop you from doing anything.  So don’t give a chance to it.
6.    Let Yourself Off the Hook - You have to forgive yourself for any failures or mistakes that you have committed in the past and move on.   You have to look at the future and stop living in the past. Be compassionate towards yourself.
7.    Go with a Positive Attitude – Having a positive attitude is like winning the battle up to 50%.
8.    Let a Life-Coach Help You – An experienced person can help you more with practical examples of life experiences in various given situations.
9.  Keep Moving Forward And Never Look Back – Once started moving forward never look back.
10. Let Life Move You – Change is the reality of life.  So let life move you on.

I am sure these steps will help you to develop a strong belief in yourself to achieve success in your life.

Here is the video of this article on my YouTube channel. 

Monday, 4 May 2020

Acquiring Knowledge Especially Through Reading Books

Hi friends, you are going to learn, what is knowledge, why we need it, the importance of it, ways to acquire it especially through reading and applying it to our lives.

    Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. 
    Sir Richard Steele

What is knowledge?
A dictionary says it is facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject.  In other words knowledge is defined as what is learned, understood or aware of. An example of knowledge is learning the alphabet, having the ability to find a location or remembering the details about an event, etc.

Why do we need knowledge?
Knowledge is the basis of everything in existence. Without knowledge nothing would exist as we perceive it to be. It is imperative and indispensable. It is the building blocks of any foundation. It is the key to opening doors that would otherwise be locked. It is very much needed in the present competitive world.

Knowledge is like glue that sticks information as well as learning together. When we have prior knowledge about a topic, we understand it better. It plays an important role in students' life especially in the school. If they don't have related knowledge, they face difficulties in understanding the text.

Importance of Knowledge
Knowledge is very important because it has advanced our world, it empowers us and gives us the realities of life, about times and seasons. It is a vital virtue in life and it broadens one's perspective and builds ones intellectual muscles.

Reading, one of the best ways to obtain knowledge
Knowledge can be transferred from one person to another or it can be self-acquired through observation and study. Skills, however, refer to the ability to apply knowledge to specific situations. Skills are developed through practice, through a combination of sensory input and output.

You need to consider the following points while reading.
1.     Focus on your reading, do not read everything and anything.
2.     Read with a purpose.
3.     Set aside specific time and place to read.
4.     Use technology to improve your reading, use internet, e-books, audio books, etc.
5.     Make use of online libraries.
The following are ways of getting knowledge from books and actively apply it to your life.
1.     Speed Reading.
2.     Start Small And Be Consistent.
3.     Study. Observe. Practice.
4.     Have a READ system.
5.     Take Notes
6.     Read Slowly                   

7.       Set an intention of what you want from the book
8.       Re-Read
9.       Get Vocal
10.   Get Social
11.   Get Visual

So friends I hope that you are now motivated to read at least a book in a fortnight. Remember that acquiring knowledge is important to survive in the modern competitive world.  Wish you all the best.

     Here is the link to the video of the same article.

Saturday, 2 May 2020

Public Speaking

Let me write something about PUBLIC SPEAKING, what it is, how to prepare and finally how to deliver it.

'It usually takes more than three weeks 
to prepare a good impromptu speech.' 
Mark Twain

What is Public Speaking?
Public Speaking is an art to be developed.  Many of us are afraid of speaking something in public because we are not into it and not trained to do so.  Public Speaking is a medium to express one's ideas, thoughts, suggestions, experiences, plans etc. to the people listening him or her.

How to Prepare a Speech?
All of us are not good at public speaking. For some people it is natural and for some it has to be learned as we learn anything in day-to-day life, like cycling, cooking, driving, etc.  You need to prepare the speech well before delivering it.  Now the question is how to prepare a speech.  You can follow the following steps to prepare a good speech.

The Six Steps of Speech Preparation
1.    Develop the Purpose (Inform, Persuade, Motivate, Celebrate?)
2.    Analyse the Audience - on-going - formal and informal.
3.    Develop the Topic (or Thesis for persuasive speeches)
4.  Investigate the Subject - only after step 3! by searching online, discussing with others, referring to books, journals, periodicals, etc.
5.    Structure the Message (preparation outline = full sentences are alright)
6. Convert the Message for Oral Interpretation (presentation outline = keywords)

The Six Steps for a Successful Public Speaking
1.    Overcome Fear & Anxiety – the first hurdle you need to overcome.
2.    Demonstrate Passion – you need to have passion for public speaking.
3.    Develop a Road-map – a clear plan of the speech.
4.    Master Body Language – because it speaks louder than words.
5.    Create Powerful Visuals – people understand better with visuals.

6.  Practice Like Crazy! – you need to practice public speaking with dedication.

So with the help of the above steps you can prepare an effective speech and delivery it for better results. Wish you all the best.

Here is the video of the above article on YouTube. 

Interpersonal Relationship (Part 5) 12 Tips to Develop and Maintain it.

Dear friends, we have seen in earlier articles about the basics, stages, types, importance and advantages of interpersonal relationship.   I...

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